Conference Day 1 Speakers

Aesthetic Dermatology 2018 We are privileged to introduce our conference day one speakers. They will share about their research and experience at aesthetic dermatology 2018. Dr. Nader Elmelegy (conference chair person) His talk will be on Facial rejuvenation using dermal subcision of nemoto’s ligaments as a long-lasting botulinum toxin substitute for treatment of forehead and glabellar wrinkles Details of Dr. Nader Elmelegy Nader Elmelegy currently work s as the head of department at the plastic surgery, Tanta University. Nader does research in plastic Surgery. Their most recent publication is 'Intensive Pulsed Light, Radiofrequency and Cooling in Aesthetic Treatment of Unpleasant Facial Scars'. , and One Stage Aesthetic and Functional Reconstruction of Major Lower Lip Defects, Electrophoto-Biomodulation in Aesthetic Treatment of Postburn Hypopigmentation Clinical Response in Relation to Histopathological Changes , and Treatment of...